J.S. Bach, Motet: Jesu, meine freude BWV 227
Johann Schelle, Motet: Komm, Jesu, komm 

Though separated by a generation, Johann Schelle (1648-1701) and Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) both held one of the central musical posts in Germany, Cantor of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. Schelle is credited with ushering in the use of the German language (replacing Latin) in Lutheran liturgical music, an achievement that is the foundation for Bach’s work several decades later. “Luminaries of Leipzig” offers a fascinating side-by-side look at representative works of these two masters. 

FREE to attend.

February 23 @ 12:00
12:00 pm — 1:00 pm (1h)

All Souls’ Episcopal Church

Bach Collegium San Diego