The story is that of a female soldier who is wounded by a roadside IED and is placed in an induced coma. Deep in sedation, the soldier must embark upon an imagined journey home. Her magical dreamscape is punctuated by encounters with other fellow service members who, like her, find themselves in search of connection, consciousness, and a communal sense of hope. The Falling and the Rising is a story of family, service, and sacrifice inside a shifting landscape of uncertainty.

Musically directed and conducted by Karen Keltner with stage direction by Kym Pappas, this very moving chamber opera is an important one for our San Diego community, which so many veterans call home.

We will hold pre-show talks with the show’s creator, Sergeant First Class Ben Hilgert, along with several notable veterans from San Diego, starting at 6:30pm before each performance.
The beneficiary for The Falling and the Rising  is The Veterans Village of San Diego, and we encourage our audience members to bring a donation item from their ‘Most Needed’ list.

May 10 @ 19:00
7:00 pm — 9:00 pm (2h)

Point Loma Assembly Hall

Bodhi Tree Concerts