Welcome to the Choral Consortium of San Diego! We look forward to promoting your organization. In order for us to best present your choir on our website, please upload the following information to the folder created for your choir in the CCSD Chorus Connection platform under Files > Member Graphics > [Your Choir Name]:
- Your current logo file in either JPG or PNG file format only. The logo dimensions must be a minimum of 250 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall. 72 DPI resolution. Refer to the example below.
- Two images: one that displays your choir in performance and another image that shows some fun interaction between members of your choir. These images must be a minimum of 2000 pixels wide. The accepted file format is either JPG or PNG, color images only (no black and white) and the resolution must be a minimum of 72 DPI. The height is not important.
- A single paragraph that provides an overview of your choral ensemble. We will be using this in the new choral member overview page. Your paragraph should be no more than 500-600 characters. Please remember that a prospective choral candidate will likely read this on their smartphone, so be descriptive about your group and engaging enough that a candidate would want to consider joining your ensemble. Tell your story! You don’t need to duplicate information that you already provided in your membership application (genre, rehearsal days, location, age range, etc). This paragraph can be submitted in Microsoft Word file format or PDF; whichever is more convenient.
Once these items are completed, please inform the CCSD Executive Director via email and include the email and mobile number of the contact person in your organization who we can reach should we have any questions regarding the image and logo files submitted. Please include the name of your choral ensemble in the subject line of the message.
That’s it! Thanks again for joining CCSD!