San Diego Chorus
Expert Overview
The San Diego Chorus was chartered in 1955 as a chapter of Sweet Adelines International. Through our long history, hundreds of singers have learned together, performed together and formed friendships that have supported and nurtured our many members. We sing 4 part a cappella harmony. We are committed to high standards of musical excellence and we are dedicated to providing ongoing musical education to all members. We welcome women from every walk of life, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
The San Diego Chorus has competed on the international stage many times. We perform regularly in the San Diego community and are renowned for our lively and engaging annual shows. We do a lot of community service work and are proud to share the history of singing 4 part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. Our repertoire is varied; American music with songs from many eras
Our members benefit from strong mutual support and are encouraged in their efforts to excel musically and in leadership skills. New singers are encouraged to visit our rehearsals at any time.
Usual Number of Choral Ensemble Singers: 51-100 persons
Audition Required: Yes
Rehearsal Time: Evening
Singer's Participation: Volunteer